Friday, January 13, 2017

One More Sneak Attack and the Hack Job Gets it.

It's a rare, rare occasion that I share my views on politics. I'm from the mindset that politics should be intelligently debated based on facts and comments not be issued carelessly and blindly from the hip. That being said, I'm getting really wary of being randomly approached by different individuals and having to put up with their ignorant, racist babble about our current president.

I recently got my ears raped by someone in the Might Dollar spouting off meaningless garbage that fingered the president as the next potential Nazi party leader. It took everything in me to keep from putting my basket full of goodies down and flogging this guy with the BBQ flavored pig skins I had just gleefully acquired. But Al, everyone is entitled to their opinion right? Nope...not when it's seasoned with a generous portion of hatred and racism.

Now, my goal is not to defend or dissect Mr. Obama today. There's enough of that happening already. My real beef lies in the hack jobs that think it's ok to openly compare the prez to people such as Hitler and refer to him as "that nigger in the office"...and before you ask...yep...I've actually had people approach me and try to start a conversation with me using those lovely catch words and phrases.

It's one thing to dislike Obama the politician if you...say...don't agree with his foreign policies or you don't like the way he's handling the cost of medical insurance...etc. Those things I can understand. Politics is what it is and to agree or disagree with a politician on political issues is as American as baseball and apple pie. It's another thing to discredit a person based on what they superficially look like.'re going to compare him to Hitler??? Tell you what, when he's personally headed up and oversees the genocide of millions of people simply because of their ethnicity we'll talk. Let's not forget the people that use the word nigger to describe Mr. Obama. Maybe you think it's ok to randomly throw that term around because you're family before you used that or whatever lame excuse you want to give me but unless I get to level the playing field by referring to you with terms that imply bestiality and incest let's leave the ethnic slurs in the dirt...where they belong.

So, next time you decide to ambush me with your ignorant, racist, baseless drool about our commander-in-chief be warned. I may just unzip the old fly and urinate on your stinky feet because that's the only way to make our conversation as awkward for you as it has been for me.

Are you Pro-democrat? Pro-republican? Pro-wrestler?...I don't care...I'm simply pushing for pro-intelligence. 

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