Friday, January 13, 2017

Finding My Way Back's been a while since I wrote anything that didn't have to be graded. Honestly, it amazes me how college has slowed my personal writing at the moment. It's not really from a lack of time or subject matter or even a lack of's something different. It seems that when given an avenue to feed the writing beast in my head, my mind becomes satisfied with the work it's creating and becomes relatively content for the moment. With that being said, my first semester of college is winding down and the need to get back to some personal writing has started to resurface.

It's time to give a rundown of the past few months for a little perspective and to find a good place to start writing again.

1.) I'm officially an unemployment statistic now. While I have been going to school full time I've also been beating the bushes in hopes of finding any job prospects. Reviewing my efforts so far has indicated that the industry I've been a part of for 10 freakin' years is officially in the tanks. Woohoo for me. Now I just have to decide whether to re-train as some sort of medical drone or a case worker for DSS. Being that I'm a total fairy when it comes to blood and bodily fluids and past experience with a really whacked out family life, I feel more than qualified to assist at-risk families.

2. We've moved....again. Yes...anyone that knows me knows I've moved more times than I've had birthdays and no, that's no exaggeration. When the hatchet dropped at work for me and 12 of my fellow employees, the ole belt had to get tightened a lot. We managed to pay some things off, turn some things off and I even considered male prostitution (hey....don't knock it till you try it) but no amounts of cuts could keep us from having to lower the monthly housing expense. We did find a cool little place to live even though I can stretch out my arm and touch my landlord's house. Overall it's a good, clean, safe place for the family unit so no real complaints...yet.

3. A welcome side effect of moving into a tiny place was we had to purge ourselves of some stuff...a lot of stuff...seriously. We actually got rid of over 6 truck loads full of stuff. If you go by a certain Salvation Army, the store is almost exclusively stocked with all of our stuff. Not to mention the piles of crap that we banished to the landfill. All this time I thought we did pretty good on the whole pack rat thing but I'm proud of what we accomplished none the less. Life has become very simple living for us and I'm really enjoying that. Stuff can dominate your life and to be honest, out of all the stuff we disposed of, I can't seem to think of one thing that I truly miss. Maybe it's because stuff is just that and once it's gone you don't really miss it...or maybe old age could be catching up with me and my deteriorating mind just dumped all those memories. Either way, win-win.

Guess I'll put a halter on the writing horse for now and call this one done. I've got a lot more to write about so coming back here is going to become regular for me again. Until next time... 

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